TTL (Time To Live) explained

We live in an environment where time is probably one of the most critical factors in our everyday life. Computing and networking are not any different. Many of the processes frequently must happen in a specific period of time. Here comes TTL in hand. In some cases, the task should be finished in milliseconds. Can you imagine that? Let’s make things a little bit more precise and explain what TTL actually is?

What is TTL?

TTL is the short acronym for time-to-live. It refers to the value that points to the exact period of time or number of hops that the data packet is configured to be alive on a network. In some cases, also in the cache memory. When that time expires, or it hops the number of times, routers will discard it. There exist many different varieties of data chunks. Every and each of them operates with their particular TTL. That means the time such data will be held in a device to function or finish a certain task.

TTL (Time to Live) values

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How to prevent DNS downtime?

Everybody wants to avoid DNS downtime! Unfortunately, it affects your reputation, annoys your loyal and potential clients, and costs you money.

DNS downtime is the time your domain name won’t be resolved to its corresponding IP address. During that time, clients won’t be able to use your service or load your domain. An error will be pointed out every time they request it.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the keystone for the Internet to work. No matter its dimension and importance, it also suffers from vulnerabilities, hacking attempts, software and hardware issues, networks’ problems, database corruption, etc. And if it stops, your domain also will.

How can you prevent DNS downtime?

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