What is a DNS PTR record?

DNS PTR record is one of the essential DNS records. It is one of the few that deserve proper attention. So let’s explain a little bit more and get to know why it is so important.

DNS PTR record – meaning 

The DNS PTR record has a specific purpose. It is to point the IP address to the domain name. Therefore, it can operate successfully both with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Furthermore, this type of DNS record makes it possible for you to achieve Reverse DNS.

Receiving mail servers want to verify the source of an email. For this matter, they will do a DNS Reverse lookup, and they will investigate for PTR records. DNS PTR record makes it possible to guarantee that the IP address truly belongs to the domain name.

Detailed article about PTR Record configuration

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Monitoring service – Best detector for issues

Monitoring service explication

The Monitoring service provides precise information on the status of your servers, which you use for various services like web, email, DNS, and more.

It allows you to monitor and understand the status of your servers continuously. If you routinely scan your network, you will notice various concerns, such as component failure or excessive traffic. Furthermore, if an issue arises, a service like this will warn you automatically by email, text, or another mechanism such as webhooks.

Check out affordable and reliable Monitoring service plans!

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Reverse DNS – Why should you use it?

Reverse DNS – What is it?

Reverse DNS or, for short rDNS maps an IP address to its corresponding domain name. It acts in the opposite direction of Forward DNS, where the domain name points to the corresponding IP address. Typically rDNS is offered by DNS hosting providers as an additional service. However, when you decide to use it, you should also create a Master Reverse zone and PTR records. Thanks to them, you will be capable of providing proof that the exact IP address and your domain name actually match.

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Zone transfer explained

What is zone transfer?

Zone transfer is a process of duplicating the DNS information (DNS records) from the Primary DNS zone to the Secondary DNS zone. That way, you are able to establish multiple copies of your DNS records on several name servers. As a result of completing the transfer, you are going to ensure better availability if one of the name servers goes down. In addition, you are going to guarantee faster DNS resolution in case you own an international website with users coming from all around the globe and multiple points of presence (PoPs).

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What does DNS resolution mean?

The DNS resolution happens daily, and we don’t even notice it. So let’s explain a little bit more about it.

DNS resolution explained.

The process of DNS resolution is triggered by typing a domain name into the browser. Thanks to it, the domain names are quickly and easily translated to IP addresses. 

A particular domain name could have more than one IP address, for instance, one IPv4 address and one IPv6 address. Then the DNS resolution is going to proceed for both of them. However, in order to connect with the domain, we are going to need only one of these addresses.

The quick way for translating domain names become a necessity long ago. Back in the day, every existent IP address was saved in a Host file that was updated manually. But, as you know, the number of devices has increased tremendously, until, at some point, it was not effective anymore to search for IP addresses that way.

The Domain Name System (DNS) was launched, and the search and the Internet became a lot easier. The user only has to type the domain name, and it simply reaches the website. It is something we don’t even understand how quickly happens.

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TTL (Time To Live) explained

We live in an environment where time is probably one of the most critical factors in our everyday life. Computing and networking are not any different. Many of the processes frequently must happen in a specific period of time. Here comes TTL in hand. In some cases, the task should be finished in milliseconds. Can you imagine that? Let’s make things a little bit more precise and explain what TTL actually is?

What is TTL?

TTL is the short acronym for time-to-live. It refers to the value that points to the exact period of time or number of hops that the data packet is configured to be alive on a network. In some cases, also in the cache memory. When that time expires, or it hops the number of times, routers will discard it. There exist many different varieties of data chunks. Every and each of them operates with their particular TTL. That means the time such data will be held in a device to function or finish a certain task.

TTL (Time to Live) values

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Temporary redirect vs. Permanent redirect

Managing your website could be confusing sometimes. For example, have you wondered what the difference between Temporary redirect vs. Permanent redirect is? Let’s explain a little bit more about them and when it is a good idea to use them.

Temporary redirect – 302 redirect

The temporary URL redirect, or also usually identified as 302 redirect, directs the traffic from one URL, website’s page to a separate URL, which is the page where you desire the traffic to proceed. Yet, with one essential warning, the redirect is for a specifically defined amount of time.

The Benefits of Web Redirect with SSL

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How to prevent DNS downtime?

Everybody wants to avoid DNS downtime! Unfortunately, it affects your reputation, annoys your loyal and potential clients, and costs you money.

DNS downtime is the time your domain name won’t be resolved to its corresponding IP address. During that time, clients won’t be able to use your service or load your domain. An error will be pointed out every time they request it.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the keystone for the Internet to work. No matter its dimension and importance, it also suffers from vulnerabilities, hacking attempts, software and hardware issues, networks’ problems, database corruption, etc. And if it stops, your domain also will.

How can you prevent DNS downtime?

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Dynamic IP address – What is it?

Each smartphone, computer, IoT device, or any other device must have an IP address to connect to the Internet. Without it, it won’t have a universal identifier that everybody on the network can understand. The IP address that you can get can be a Dynamic IP address or Static IP address, but today we will focus our attention on the first one.

What is an IP?

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What is a Firewall? What does it do?

A firewall is a security technology (hardware, software or both) to protect networks through specific functionalities and security rules. For instance, monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic, filtering of traffic, blocking the access for unauthorized outsiders, suspicious traffic, and also malicious software.

Firewalls divide the private part of a network from the public part of the interconnection supplied by the Internet.

What does a firewall do?

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